specter knight shrine? specter knight shrine.
everyone's favorite tragic reaper man, specter knight.
"In life, Specter Knight was a cruel and cunning warrior. And although his blood is now icy cold, he is no less formidable as a phantasm. The most begrudgingly loyal knight of the Order, Specter Knight follows the Enchantress only because she is capable of magically extending his undeath. Clutching a grim Scythe in his shriveled claws, Specter Knight commands his weapon with uncommon cunning... and his next target is Shovel Knight.
Pros: Tattered crimson cloak, supernatural scythe, immortality
Cons: overly sentimental, tries too hard to act cool"
(via shovel knight kickstarter)
Specter Knight, the undead warrior and protagonist of the Treasure Trove campaign: Specter of Torment. On his quest to defeat and recruit 8 knights to the evil Order of No Quarter, he comes to the realization he must defeat his master, The Enchantress, and disband the Order of No Quarter.
"Long ago, the lands were untamed, and roamed by legendary adventurers! But although the land is peaceful... for some, freedom is a far gone memory. Specter Knight, servant to The Enchantress, has been given a harrowing task. He must recruit a group of knights and form an invincible order! With each member gathered, a treasured keepsake grows in power... An artifact that can restore his humanity, but only when his task is complete. Now, he leaves the confines of the Tower of Fate. It's time for the reaper to pursue his quarry.
(via Specter of Torment introduction scene)
(fandom stuff i like and recommend)

Top Non-ship Fic (and my personal all-time favorite):"Raising an Empire"
Top Prospecter Fic:"Second Chances"
Top DonLuan Fic:"if only for a moment"
Top PlagueSpecter Fic:"Sick Boy"
Obligatory fic I am including because I love Werewolf AUs:"Animal Impulses"
Top Comic Artist:Neoyi
Top Headcanon Design:Spidertroupeart
"Holy Shit Colors 0_0" Award:Nina245
Top Comic Series:Luan Takes the Amulet (by SpiceFlux and CarpetCat)
Best Animation:Determunition
"I Don't Go Here" Award (for drawing Specter the most without even being in the fandom):Zeph
Best "Lich Yard" Remix: MiatriSs
Best Lyrical Adaptation: Man On The Internet
Best Remix of a (not lich yard) SOT Track: Ono Yokiyoshi
thanks for reading this far :]
have this specter blinkie i made! feel free to use without credit but i would appreciate it if you linked back to the shrine! we must spread our influence far and wide >:]