floating caprisun floating caprisun wriggling gummy worm wriggling gummy worm specter knight grey cat cleaning itself


^ look at him go wow ^

i am ouch hi

this is my website where you can peep my music and drawings and other fun stuff. website still under construction but most of the navbar links work now so check em out! or you can just sit here and vibe to the music. i have a great collection, lots of lapfox, femtanyl, and 4lung, and of course some music by me :3. just click the little play button in the bottom left.

SPECTER <3 i <3 piracy i <3 undead fin fin come see him CURSED BY THE AMULET FUCK MY LIFE it's wednesday AUTISM don't like. don't read its fuckinf music catboy rights!! :3 AT MY FUCKING LIMIT CRINGE HOMESTUCK i eat asbestos #1 mako fan S33K H3LP LOVESICK, CANNIBAL DINNER'S READY FEMTANYL